
i just realized (i know, i'm weird) that i haven't eaten yet today.

that, and it's eleven in the evening, and it feels like it's seven.

something be wrong with me.

i figured i should post specifically today since today only happens once every four years, and four years in internet time is like really really really long.

so, hopefully, in the next few years or something, this thing will keep going, whatever it's become. there might be a move, there might not; there might be layout changes; there might be happy times, bad times, sad times; there might be "holy crap" moments as well as "hell yeah" moments; but as long as this is alive, i will try my best to keep you, oh audience of seven, wonderfully amused.

speaking of wonderful amusement, i'd like to give a shout-out to rian, since my away message the past two days was somewhat in honor of his antics. (it read: "rian's MELKSHAKE brings all the boys to the yard, and he's like "dude, thas fucked uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup")

i have this great urge to get mad at the oscars tonight for no apparent reason. maybe it's the bougie-ness of the whole thing (i mean, you've heard of the gift baskets, right?), but somehow, social decadence like that doesn't make me feel too good about this country.

it's okay, though; william hung's going to be on the american idol special tomorrow night. (i still can't believe i see him on an almost daily basis; nevertheless, the william-sightings have been less frequent ever since he got offered that recording / video deal.)

i think it's pretty hilarious that my parents still don't know that i'm going to london in about three weeks.

in the meantime, not too much of this now, you hear?


go see this movie, cos it's the funniest one i've seen in a long time.


"miguel, your blog entries are too long." (this counts as "bitching / moaning / whining / griping," breaking one of miguel's sacred reader trusts.

the response:

"deal the fuck with it!"

thanks jake for my haircut!

i never thought about how scary it would be if my parents knew how to google shit. i can only imagin what they'll find -- this blog, for example -- if they type in my name. and then they'll be like, double-u-tee-eff, mate, and then it's all over from there.

i feel like i need to give up something for the next forty days. how about lack of faith? can i give that up? i really want to believe in something, but i don't think that's gonna go over too well considering i haven't been religious at all in years.

happy (is that what you'd say? maybe i'd say solemn or calm, but not happy now that i think about it) ash wednesday. maybe i'll go see the passion of the christ or something to make me feel all christian-like.

and good job th for kicking ass at intramural softball! go bears!


i'm quite the person to talk when it comes to reliability -- i rely on you a lot, but when it comes to you being able to rely on me, expect a little less. (sound selfish? i think so.) i haven't really expected much of anyone to rely on me anyway. i haven't given them any cause to. maybe i'm just one of those people who can easily come off as someone who uses others for gain. no doubt i've heard that before. but i do try, you know, to become this somewhat better person like i make myself out to be.

there was this running thing in high school where everyone thought i was the smart kid because i had a social life and good grades, something that the nerds couldn't balance and the jocks couldn't figure out. i was an inbetweener, an interloper of many social circles, the guy in every picture of every clique but was never too involved because if i did i'd find myself in too deep.

some of my friends started to test my abilities. they would say i would give bullshit answers to them because i can make it sound like i know exactly what i'm talking about. they called me on it all the time, but i tried to make them look less like fools when i'd give them the right answer, from "what is a trellis?" to "the krebs cycle in complete detail."

i've forgotten most of the questions, and along with them the answers, but it leads me to re-examine my high school life. i never got along with anybody except for a few people. even one of my considered best friends, i don't talk to anymore (ryan, if you're out there, i would love to talk to you again). i was never in with the honors crowd; i was too brown to be asian; i was too nerdy to be with the jocks; too social to be considered a full time band geek. i was in every club imaginable, even got my name placed wrong in a couple laureate awards. i heard from votes that i got like second place for 'best dressed' for senior superlatives. but that doesn't matter to me since high school was one of the worst times of my life.

i hated high school. everyone was trying to put up this wonderful front, trying to earn a nice enough gpa -- or if you weren't an honors student, just squeaking by so that the junior colleges wouldn't turn you down. it felt like dating: the first time, you put up this facade of who you want to be, and not who you are, and then you get exclusive and have to keep it up a while. some people snap before four years, but we get on happily by, keeping up the keep up charade until we're sick of each other and are on each other's throats when we graduate.

freshman year of college was the most freeing time of my life, not to mention my craziest and favorite.

the thing i got out of high school was that people that age don't yet know the difference between the real world and this bubble of high school, where proms and winter formals were magical and homecomings were exciting. in high school, everything felt like it should have been on a tv drama series, thrown in with a few scenes from punk'd, girls gone wild, a porno flick, dawson's creek, and buffy the vampire slayer. it would have been a marvelous draw of a tv show, with clueless administrative figures running around the campus while the honors kids would slack off one more day as the rest of the wonderfully disjointed campus dealt with drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, failing test scores, and budget cuts.

high school, i'm so glad i'm not in your bubble anymore. thanks for the embarrassment-tinged memories and the trying times. but most importantly, thanks for helping me grow up and realize that i am so much better than you.

no regrets. you just sucked.


oh man i feel so sick right now...

and i have a midterm in two days! ack!


friday felt really weird since the rain didn't let up until after six. my job interview went all right, i guess -- i'm going to be the pessimistic one and say i won't get it, for the sake of my sanity for the next week. after that, a hefty recruiter meeting, and then, wonders of wonders, the spruce house vendredi gras party, in which i procured the hella large beads and also saw more than i bargained for (you deserve those beads, will, and jesus don't ever do that again).

i stayed sober the whole night, despite drinking a half bottle of white wine and four giant drinks, all mixed with vodka. i wasn't feeling drunk at all, but when i woke up at one thirty the next afternoon, i was feeling it -- the lights were too bright, my head was pounding, and the lingering taste of alcohol at the back of my throat made it that much more enjoyable (if they had another word...).

*the girl next door is having really loud sex again. just thought i'd share.

last night was great, after beating the women of troy in basketball, a bunch of us decided that fenton's was the only way to go, and they had their timed contests of who can finish the giant banana specials that they have (imagine, from bottom to top: a split banana, a giant scoop of vanilla right next to a giant scoop of strawberry, a giant scoop of chocolate, strawberry chunks and hot fudge and pineapple, a generous dollop of whipped cream, and of course, the signature cherry) in under twenty minutes. note well that the majority of us have finished that sundae in under ten minutes. suffice to say that twenty minutes was more than ample time for the group to win.

it's been a long weekend, and i'm just looking forward to relaxing soon, but that's not gonna happen since midterms start on tuesday and don't end until after april. (ouch.)

any short-term cures for sore throat?


my throat hates me.

i woke up two days ago with it feeling a little scratchy, but i thought nothing of it since it didn't bother me the whole day and it wasn't giving me anything problematic. yesterday, i started to cough bit by bit, but again, thought nothing of it, maybe because it's the weather changing or something.

and then all of a sudden i wake up today and my sinuses hate me, my throat feels like it was beaten down to a pulp (it hurts to swallow), and my ears want to rip themselves off the side of my head. (then again, i was walking around on a very rainy tuesday night, so that might be part of the problem.)

i don't sound sick, since my sinuses aren't clogged (they're just ridiculously dry), but trust me when i say it hurts to talk. all ye linguists out there: the part where the velum joins with the uvula, that's where it hurts the most.

speaking of linguists, i have to do my homework. after that, miguel gets interviewed, and then, holds a few meetings. party tonight? i deserve it.

weekend, please be nice to me.


the wind's making the water go everywhere; the lightning's flashing sporadically and the thunder is rumbling deep. the sky is a rich grey, and it's felt like it's nighttime ever since eleven this morning. there hasn't been any sunlight for two days now; the nights are getting balmy (thanks to the humidity) and the days are getting cold and damp. the wind likes to whistle every time i'm indoors, and it likes to whip umbrellas inside-out whenever i'm outside. there's been an almost constant misting of the city, like a fog's set in, but it's enveloped more than just the surrounding area -- you can't see anything past the bay, and the view of the foothills is obscured by this patch of low-lying clouds that are a little stubborn.

berkeley is still as beautiful as ever, despite the inclement weather.

flash of light. rumblerumblerumble.

there's something in me that wants to wear galoshes and a slicker, so that i can play in the puddles while it's raining. and then there's the old part of me that thinks it's silly for me to even think about this going on.

and even though berkeley still holds this special place in my heart, i can't help thinking that i need a break from it all. from classes and routines to balancing work schedules and dealing with problems of my own, i think i need to stop and take it easy. i'm sure i made people uncomfortable last night when i decided to alienate myself. and it doesn't warrant anything, even though i made some people feel like ass.

maybe i make people feel like ass when i feel like ass. because last night, i felt like ass, and i didn't bother caring about how other people felt since i was having such a horrible evening altogether. i wanted so badly to tell people to just shut the fuck up, or don't include me in this conversation, because i needed a break.

can you burn out in cold weather?


never thought i'd say this, but...

i heart valentine's day.


maybe it's william hung, or maybe it's that i've had these weird, recurring dreams and delusions of grandeur just yearning to get out like fuck-all since the seventh grade, or most likely it's that i slept for four hours and am feeling great right now (seriously). i'd like to think it's the second one; i see enough of william everyday on campus anyway.

so there's this one dream i have where i'm such a rockstar it even disgusts me. i'm wearing some crazy couture clothes -- the top emblazoned with a giant american flag -- and leather (pleather?) pants. it's horrid. in my dream i know how to play guitar and i sing like a god. and every audience to my concerts is naked, all of them with their gadonks and hoohahs and bigboys hanging out. and then there were the girls.

another manifestation of this grandiose me was the "better-than-you" me: anything you can do, i can do better, and i did do it better, and then you tried to outdo me but you couldn't because i had already made the best thing ever. i pissed off einstein in my dream because i made a nuclear bomb without being so dirty with fallout afterwards (no holocaust!). i also remember making al gore cry, which was sad because it was like the first time since he appeared on snl that he showed any emotion.

some dreams, i can fly. i usually fly over cities -- new york and san francisco, especially, even though i haven't seen them from an aerial view -- except for los angeles. anytime i'm in a dream in los angeles, i'm driving. and i always seem to have johnny cash or elvis presley in the background, and everything seems so disjointed like madonna's video for 'music.'

i can school you in japanese when i dream, too. bitch. karaoke means empty orchestra. take that. (not to mention my fluency in russian and vietnamese, where in each instance i sound like i'm speaking english (to myself) and the other person replies in said language. it's like subtitles but not really -- i'm confusing you.)

my favorite, though, has to be when i'm in a house i've never been in but have felt so comfortable being there, the fireplace on. i have the hugest liquor cabinet (let's call it a liquor room), a library, and of course, puppies. the cutest one is this amazing pembroke corgi i've named bert, and he can do somersaults. he's hella smart, and he fetches my brandy when i ask him for it. and by god, i look good in this dream. i never thought that grey would look good on me, but goddamn i look good in grey.

now that i feel somewhat stupid for saying that, let me ask you the same question: what are you like when you dream?


i don't know what it is, but i love it when phone calls make me feel all giddy and happy inside.

well-timed, to say the least, because i was actually thinking of calling you a few hours beforehand.

you've just put the first smile on my face today.

and then you realize this is going on, and then you have to stop and think about it one more time because you realize that science and objectivism have gone to the backburner and got replaced with politics and ideology.

in other news, there's this slump i seem to be in that doesn't ever seem to want to leave.

i wish i had this whole thing figured out, because if i did, i would be not worrying about anything at all right now.

i think it's a bit of a bad thing that i'm feeling way too good lately. i've been hanging out with good people, placing myself in good situations. hell, today, i even dropped off my first application for a job at new student services. (here's hoping, right?) i've even found myself wondering recently of how lucky i've been, to have my circumstances be as good as they are right now. in other words, i'm asking you: is it bad to feel this good, to know that i have something to look forward to and not have to do much for it in return?

i've always been a reciprocator: you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours. i'm finding it harder and harder to deal with people who expect little to nothing back, and i think what bothers me the most is that i know they deserve something great but i can't -- more often times, they won't let me -- deliver. now, as i think about it more, i realize that reciprocating has always been one of my constants, and that if it's not there (or if it isn't expected), i find myself picking up the pieces.

on that note, valentine's day is coming up soon. whoever knew that a day where people buy stuff for each other ends up being a celebration of lurve. (yeah, i'm a bit of a drag-me-down, but you already knew that.) so to whatever happens then, let's just hope there's some reciprocity in the works.

wish me luck in my survival this week.


are they showing 'pearl harbor' on abc tonight because it's some sort of inspiration for us to go to war? at least in the movie, they had a cause to fight. (but gawd, september eleven was fucking three years ago.)

on that line, they're showing 'miracle' in theaters because we win against the terroristic hockey players from communist russia.

uh, yeah. i'm over it. unless they find those weapons that were there last year in iraq, they better have a damn good excuse for bombing the shit out of that country. yeah, yeah, they caught saddam, blah blah. and now the world's better because of it?

kim jong il is probably laughing his ass off right now. or proclaiming that he invented pez dispensers.

we must look like a bunch of asses concerned with going to mars instead of solving world hunger or nuclear disarmament.

then again, we have an incompetent president, and a hilarious governor who can't even say the name of our state correctly.


alan brought up a funny point today which somewhat disturbed me ex post facto: that less people know about the closing of the capitol for the second time thanks to our wonderful friend ricin than they do of janet jackson baring her breast at the superbowl.

sure, it generated media buzz. but come on, how indecent is it for janet jackson to show a boob when the rest of the ads for the superbowl were for alcohol and erectile dysfunction pills? yeah, get worked up over a boob, because when you're piss drunk and you're watching football, the only way to get your dick up is through levitra.

i am more than a little bit mad at that, really. not that janet jackson showed her boob -- more power to that, really -- just that it was kind of unfair for the media spotlight to hit her and not cbs' disapproval of airing the bush in thirty seconds ad, or the very fact that all the ads in the superbowl targeted men. or hell, even for kid rock wearing an american flag, which is, i do believe, number one on the list of 'worst things you can do with an american flag,' number two being its burning.

or they could have protested p. diddy's horrible performance, but no, they tended to focus on the 'pasty-or-piercing' debate, which has somewhat locked this country down for close to six days.

i do hope they realize that elsewhere in the nation, president bush is trying to blur the boundary between church and state when he 'condones gays in trying to destroy the traditional meaning of marriage,' that ricin is the new anthrax, that there were no nuclear or biochemical weapons in iraq, that martha stewart and michael jackson are in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, and that margaret cho's got people protesting her show in houston for being an advocate of equal rights.

all this commotion over a boob? give me a break. tell me when the economy gets better, tell me when this fucking homeland security bullshit is gone, tell me when i don't have to pay another thirty percent to my tuition and registration fees, tell me when my governator is just another actor in hollywood. but when janet jackson shows off a beautiful body part of hers? no thanks, i'll catch it on the internet.

and don't get me started with this howard dean bullshit.


oh. my. god.

that was the most amazing win against arizona today, kids. it was the most unbelievable, exciting, play-your-lungs-out-until-the-immediate-three-foot-radius-around-you-is-deaf, stepped up, amazing, heart-pounding, thrilling, wondrous, and quite possibly the most memorable game this men's basketball team has ever experienced.

"arizona, which had never lost at haas pavilion,..." lost to us today.

in other news, our conference is looking somewhat bleak, considering washington beat u$c, and wazzu beat ucla.

but who cares, we won against lute 'the skin flute' olson, and channing frye (best name ever) fouled out.

to quote none other than the teen girl squad, 'soooooooo good!'


and to confirm, yes, 'toxic' is still stuck in my head.

'with a taste of your lips, i'm on a ride...'

i love and hate britney spears.

for whatever reason, that new song of hers, 'toxic,' has such a catchy hook, that if you listen to it a the beginning of your day it is almost certain that you will have that song in your head at the end of the day.

i don't usually listen to her stuff, but it's the really catchy groove of the pseudo-strings and that goddamned catchy melody. blame me for liking her music; whatever, she's still one hot piece of ass i wouldn't mind biting.

and have you seen the video for that song? scandalous. i only realized when someone pointed out to me that the guy in the end is the guy from 'the ring' and that's why it's not so disturbing when he 'dies' because he dies in 'the ring' anyway.

in any case, the song's still stuck in my head, even though i listened to it about three hours ago. and i think i have t olisten to it again before i drive my classmates insane.

'you're toxic, i'm slipping under...'


there's definitely something about baring whatever it is that's been in your mind for the past couple of months in mere minutes, when you're vulnerable enough to talk about anything and not feel self-conscious about the whole thing. poring over details that don't matter anymore, you find yourself just wanting to talk about what it is you've been feeling, and what you're feeling like. it's a bit awkward at first, but in the end, i think it's one of the things i'm most grateful for. i'm very glad that i ended up doing that, albeit driven a bit by my good friend, red wine.

somehow, over the course of the weekend, my insecurities just faded, and i'm ready to rock-and-roll and kick some ass. thanks to the hb staff, second years, and jon, matias, eli, noam, and andi for an amazing weekend.

(by the way, did everyone see the super bowl halftime show? janet jackson's breastise just flopped out, yo!)

in other news, there's still diciness in the other fronts of miguel's life, and it's taking a little toll here and there, but i'm hoping everything settles itself out.

classes missed so far, week three of school: four. that's a little dreadful. i think i should go.



bury me, you thought your problems were gone.
carry me, away, away, away..

weekend off-kilter madness!

friday was okay, i guess. i did feel a little awkward at the hardboiled potluck since it all of a sudden became very clique-y: brian and his roommates, julie and gloria and peter. i think allen and i felt a little weird being there, but i didn't even try to talk to allen or anything. stephen brought alex along, and that was a doozy. and then lisa macs came, and all was right with the world for a few minutes, and then i had to leave because i was feeling a lot weird.

the next day, kat and i engorged ourselves with the amazing ant farm exhibition at the berkeley art museum. read this to get a sample of who they are; you might have already heard of them because they're the ones who did the infamous cadillac ranch.

following that was bruno's first shb, which was nice and well-attended. we even got reprimanded by one of the referees because we were singling out one of the girls on the washington basketball team, giuliana mendiola, for being butt-fugly. (go judge for yourself. it's worse in person, though, i have to attest.) her sister, by the way, is number thirty-one on the team; much prettier than she is.

karaoke was a bust. but we ended up going over to eddie's house, drinking the night away, having fun singing along to the songs that would pop up on eddie's playlist. it was good times, we had lots of good fun -- yet another night that would prove to be memorable and enjoyable. (we missed a few of you guys, but damn, it's your failt for not showing up...) and then of course the eventual crashing at jeremy's place was fun, too.

today, the superbowl. (the patriots or the panthers? can the panthers really pull it off? i think i'll quote fred willard in a mighty wind when i say, "i don't think so!") tomorrow... the world?

i'm getting tired of this whole thing.

so what do you all think of the new site design? leave me a comment or two...

go bears, and thanks to the second years for a rousing good time. you are all awesome kids, and i hope we get to do this again very soon.

tomorrow, we tackle the issue at hand, which is miguels'spanish paper, and then there's also the issue that is the superbowl at five pm.

in any case, i hope all of you have an amazing time tomorrow, whatever your endeavours may be.

i'm going to enjoy what it is i have left of the evening, and to all of you, good night.