
alan brought up a funny point today which somewhat disturbed me ex post facto: that less people know about the closing of the capitol for the second time thanks to our wonderful friend ricin than they do of janet jackson baring her breast at the superbowl.

sure, it generated media buzz. but come on, how indecent is it for janet jackson to show a boob when the rest of the ads for the superbowl were for alcohol and erectile dysfunction pills? yeah, get worked up over a boob, because when you're piss drunk and you're watching football, the only way to get your dick up is through levitra.

i am more than a little bit mad at that, really. not that janet jackson showed her boob -- more power to that, really -- just that it was kind of unfair for the media spotlight to hit her and not cbs' disapproval of airing the bush in thirty seconds ad, or the very fact that all the ads in the superbowl targeted men. or hell, even for kid rock wearing an american flag, which is, i do believe, number one on the list of 'worst things you can do with an american flag,' number two being its burning.

or they could have protested p. diddy's horrible performance, but no, they tended to focus on the 'pasty-or-piercing' debate, which has somewhat locked this country down for close to six days.

i do hope they realize that elsewhere in the nation, president bush is trying to blur the boundary between church and state when he 'condones gays in trying to destroy the traditional meaning of marriage,' that ricin is the new anthrax, that there were no nuclear or biochemical weapons in iraq, that martha stewart and michael jackson are in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, and that margaret cho's got people protesting her show in houston for being an advocate of equal rights.

all this commotion over a boob? give me a break. tell me when the economy gets better, tell me when this fucking homeland security bullshit is gone, tell me when i don't have to pay another thirty percent to my tuition and registration fees, tell me when my governator is just another actor in hollywood. but when janet jackson shows off a beautiful body part of hers? no thanks, i'll catch it on the internet.

and don't get me started with this howard dean bullshit.


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