it never ends, pt 2
awash in blue and gold splendor, the berkeley campus is positively glowing thanks to a deliciously one-sided rout of stanfurd at the 108th big game, where the california golden bears snapped up their fourth straight year with the axe, edging the cardinal 27-3 in a surprisingly clean and underrated game.

steve levy, then-backup quarterback, started for the big game. joe ayoob was on hand for placing for tom schneider. levy was consistent and determined, and visibly happy after the game when he tried to check a security guard as he was on his way to the cal section of the stadium. with this win, the bears prevent stanford from being bowl-eligible (they'll have to beat notre dame next week), three uc's have beaten stanfurd at football (uc davis, ucla, and cal), and the stanfurd class of 2006 has never seen their school win at big game, despite holding on to the axe for seven straight years before they were freshmen.
the band never got a bigger response until this halftime show. the fans usually just cheer (loudly!) one big "cal band great!", but this time they were chanting it, yelling it over and over until we were well halfway into the stands. it felt great; student response is one of the things we do this for, and their reaction reflects our performance.
big game, i'm going to miss you. but i'm sure it'll be fun as a young alum, too.
sick as a dog.
i applied for a job last tuesday on a posting i saw on craigslist. emails were exchanged and i really wasn't expecting much out of it, until on wednesday i received an email about interviewing on thursday. thursday came, the interview was great, and then friday rolled around.
for having the application and selection process in three short days, i'm proud to say i'll be working for a structural engineering firm starting monday.
so from school to work... it's a great transition, but it'll be tough as well, trying to cope and balance out the post-collegiate scene.
i'm so excited, though. "tipping mar and associates, this is miguel, how may i be of service?"
i want to start painting again.
holy crap
it's relieving and insightful seeing a newman say this:
"it is so stupid that we have a section that is quick to complain yet will take no action to change anything."
story of my life, kids.
i'm out in five weeks.
this saturday is my last home game as a student.
holy crap.
my shoulder really hurts. it's ridiculous.
i think it's really funny when people don't realize they're doing things for all the wrong reasons. think about it: do you really want to be a model of conformity? or would you rather be an individual, doing your thing, not caring about what other people think of what it is you do?
good luck. life will slap you in the nuts. and it hurts.
can't win 'em all
oh, bears. roll on.
artists in resonance rocked the house at the west coast a cappella showcase on friday. gina's solo was first (it's raining men), followed by mine (under the bridge), followed by rosette's (hey jude). it was awesome. i am so very proud of these people i sing with, and so glad they're my friends.
we got mad compliments, too. today someone came up to me while i was in line for the second show and said, "you guys really shouldn't have started the show yesterday. you oughta be in the middle of today." it made me smile real big.
lots of potential locked up in all of us... what's it gonna take to unleash it to the world?
friday was great. in fact it was one of the most fun fridays i've ever had, and it included work and writing and more writing.
there was also a great time spent with my little bears, cindy and ben, who finally got to meet each other for the first time after i told them way too much about each other already (her: he's from out of state? he's better than us!; him: she looks totally cool, i'm gonna facebook her). it was great. we had indian food and coffee. it was a buffet. good times.
it makes me want to not leave but i think i have to. i don't want to stay in this place any longer than i really do. if need be i'll stay here another year, maybe, tide myself over and pad my savings account, but berkeley is a place where i feel i've given all of myself but surely not felt the same.
i've made tons of friends who have urged on my staying here, and it's not helping since they're all buoyed by the fact that the past three years have been so memorable and eventful that another semester or year would be just as, if not even more, amazing. but is it right for me? i have this gut feeling that it's an in-betweener place. berkeley's 100,000 residents don't count students. and maybe for good reason.
it's a great place to experience college but it's not the best place to find out you're growing up and growing up fast.
it's tough to swallow the fact that i'm departing yet three years from now i'll have a class of people who know who i am. simply the fact that they have the chance to make all the mistakes i never did makes me so jealous of their circumstance. if they only knew how much i would give up to do that... alas, like everything in life, time can't go backwards, and you have to take what you can get.
it's that same thing i said about being in the band: we end up having to
make do than we actually
get to do.
and for now, making do seems okay.
i've been so tired recently. i have no idea why.
recently, miguel's diet has consisted of peanut butter, rice, chili sauce, and various sundries. (the items mentioned were not consumed together.)
most of it was bought pre-cooked (ie, ordered to go).
this saddens him deeply as he feels he ought to be using his mad cooking skillz more instead of buying his food from thai noodle for the umpteenth time in the week.
this saddens him very, very deeply.
whoever invented juice is a genius. seriously though. think about it.