it's already may, and the only thing i have to show for it is bags under my eyes.
april was crazy like crazy. i had to talk my mouth off, sing my throat out, and all of this while projects went on and i was under the weather for a week. i still have homework to finish, two papers to write, and my dear god, finals to study for. in a week and a half it's all over or it's all over.
talking to pre-freshmen is a bit tedious. it's exciting for the first hour, and yes, you always have to be more than happy to answer their silly questions that they could have answered by looking at the info sheet they were just given, or if they had paid attention during the tour, or if they hadn't come late and ruined the question-asking experience for the rest of the group.
singing was fun, though. yay artists in resonance. yay me singing tenor ii next year. and yay for extremely long audition processes.
i got kind of motivated near the end of april, but it was for all the wrong reasons. (then again, isn't that the only way to get motivated in the first place? you make yourself sound like a horrible person until you realize everyone else does it too.)
and while we're at this whole "everyone else is doing it so why can't we" stuff (yay cranberries references), i saw the first episode of the season for family guy. not that i wasn't going to watch it tonight anyway, but you know. it's nice to have seen something about a week ahead of everyone else and yeah, brag about it. neener neener. hah.
this mountain of laundry that's growing ever so slowly is getting to me. maybe this week i'll start procrastinating by doing laundry, and then doing my papers, and then finishing the project.
i never knew i could plan to procrastinate. revelation? maybe. will it happen? probably not.
thanks everyone for showing up to spring show party -- it was a blast.
you feel so small sometimes
- 21.08.84
- manila | anaheim | berkeley | new york
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