today, if it were a painting, would be something by salvador dali because it, of course, has been utterly surreal.
i woke up from a good night's sleep, which is quite a marvel since i haven't been sleeping well at all. i think a big reason was the extra hour gain, so in theory, i slept an hour more or something. and seeing rockridge at eleven without any people on the streets was a bit unnerving. (i remembered halfway through my walk to the bart station that today was sunday.) then, with my unkempt hair, there was the most interesting bart ride of all bart rides -- as i sat alone in car seven of a ten-car, san francisco-bound train, a family of mexicans surrounded me, started speaking loud spanish, and finally left their post at the embarcadero station. somewhere in between the rockridge bart to the embarcedero, though, some weird asian kid all of a sudden came up to them and started saying, "mucho dinero. mucho dinero." it was definitely weird, since the kid obviously kknnew only elementary (if even that much) spanish, sounding as if he were mocking the mexicans. but they laughed, gave the kid a quarter, and told him to keep moving.
i got to powell street station, and, considering it was a quarter til eleven and i had not yet eaten anything, i ended up sucking on a venti mocha frappucino until my parents picked me up from the san francisco shopping center on market street. then, we gallivanted around union square, went around the city, and then, went home. (there was food in the process, and lots of shopping.) although being with your parents for hours at a time can be a bit aggravating sometimes, it's nice when they just accept what's going on as what's going on. no pretense. nothing. which was a very nice change from last summer, when all they did was badgere me left and right about what i have and haven't done.
in about a half hour i'll go see scary movie three with the beth. my lips are unforgivingly chapped, the air is still remarkably dry. and tonight, alias at my place with the sam. i need to do my laundry, fix my acedemia, and find some chapstick, fast (in no particular order, of course).
*(in the middle of typing this up, miguel finds some wonderful jamba juice chapstick, aptly flavored aloha pineapple as a welcome jaunt into step one of curing his chapped lips. he celebrates and calls the find "serendipitous" and "awesome.")
the weekend was good, with the 'rents coming in on friday, the win on saturday afternoon, the gin-and-tonic-and-hookah extravaganza on saturday night, and the city this morning. tonight, there's the beth and the sam, and maybe even the beginning of operation: laundry time phase one. yeah. i just need to stay hydrated.
you feel so small sometimes
- 21.08.84
- manila | anaheim | berkeley | new york
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