ouch, that hurt.
my calves hate me right now. although it does feel nice to be finally out of uniform, i have this urge to adjust the phantom hat on my head because there's that lingering feeling of semi-constriction.
god, my feet hurt. and my right heel blistered. ouch.
it was a hit last week; now, it's the miss. (hmm. something tells me that i just used the wrong sports analogy that fit the best.) but i digress.
i wonder what my agenda's going to be this next few hours. must decide...
you feel so small sometimes
- 21.08.84
- manila | anaheim | berkeley | new york
- facebook
- and oh yeah: I WILL EAT YOUR FACE!
- it feels good. so what should i do today? there'...
- seems as if i've offended some of my u$c consorts ...
- so, today was the game against the number three fo...
- god, i'm tired. i've spent the past two days spe...
- this is starting to get ridiculous when i can't ev...
- plane to illinois in t-minus two hours and fifteen...
- i'm going to be in chicago over the weekend. expec...
- i'm the butt of life's joke. since the non-sleep,...
- i'm teetering and blurring the line between deliri...
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