i found out from my brother today that my grandmother underwent surgery today to rid her of a tumor. about three weeks ago, i found out that my grandmother had developed throat cancer, which had already spread to her lungs.
it was a nice, sunny afternoon today after getting out of class when i saw him outside of dwinelle, near the creek side. he looked somewhat distraught as he scribbled a few notes on a post-it while his other hand held a cellphone. it was a chance meeting; we rarely ever see each other on campus, let alone near the same building.
he told me what had happened, and then i realized that he was writing down the phone number of the hospital, room details, and what had happened. he said it was a bit of a coincidence when i came over; he was just about to call my phone anyway.
i don't usually say this, but please, keep my grandmother in your thoughts and prayers.
i would say happier things, but i don't think superficial things would help.
can someone promise me that this won't hurt?
you feel so small sometimes
- 21.08.84
- manila | anaheim | berkeley | new york
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