i just fully realized while watching a video in my portuguese class that arnold schwarzenegger's signature is going to be on my diploma after i graduate from the university of california.
i also realized that he is my governor.
looking at all the papers today, and seeing it on all the websites, it finally hit me: whatever cost the state about eighty million dollars, the result was a blockbuster in the california respect. in other words, they spent millions on what could have gone to more important things on electing the fucking terminator as my governor. and they didn't even have to do that much along the lines of special effects. (arianna was a cgi, much like jar-jar, but everyone already knew that.)
it became apparent that arnold was going to be our governator (sorry, i couldn't help it) at around eight thirty last night, after the barbecue at tellefsen hall. i was sitting around the common room, lounging about with some kiddies, when all of a sudden julian came charging downstairs and said that arnold was the projected governor on all major newschannels.
the relay of information spread like a horrible plague. everyone in the downstairs area knew almost immediately; i called my friends in new york; and everyone i know sent emails -- of both happiness and condolences. it wsa a frenzy, and the american people lapped it up.
what's next for california? we don't know. there's a ridiculous energy in the air that everyone's feeling, some sort of anticipation. everyone's expecting something, but we don't know what.
i'm at least very happy that neither proposition fifty-three nor proposition fifty-four passed. ward connerly was having lucid dreams of a colorblind society. truth is, i don't think that's ever going to happen, even though this is california. and infrastructure? come on. that's like saying clean my room for a fee.
well. all things aside, california is somewhat screwed. unless of course arnold finds an acting coach that will teach him how to act like a governor. he's got the politician part down. now he's got to do the actual serving-the-state part.
oy. long few years ahead of me.
you feel so small sometimes
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