the craziness is finally over. everything ought to be falling into place as planned, and well, so far, so good.
the day started off with the two finals that i took, both asses of which i kicked. then, cal band insanity, from food runs to ultimate frisbee and newman icebreakers. it was really cool seeing all the newmen having fun and bonding, enjoying themselves and finding themselves surrounded with new people and friends. to everyone, that was an awesome time had by all, and to my fellow secretaries -- we did it, and this is going to be so much fun.
the craziness actually started this monday when daop started (our director's assistant orientations). right now, my lips are still shot, my legs a bit sore, my mind more than a bit frazzled. but soon, things will clear up, and everything will settle in its groove like usual. the fall season is something to definitely look forward to, and with this amazing incoming class, there's really a lot of possibilities as to what can happen next year. i'm very proud of the job recruiting did, and i'm very happy with the result of who's done what where.
i will be in davis over the next three days. wish us luck and good times; it'll be a definitely different experience than last year's. fun, but different.
i have to pack, still, and i need to be up in six hours.
you feel so small sometimes
- 21.08.84
- manila | anaheim | berkeley | new york
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