
well, all, we kind of skimped on tuesday since i was out and about and boxing up my room. it's wednesday morning -- the last one i'll have out here for a long while -- and then, tomorrow, i'm out of here. it's really changing my perspective on a lot of things. it makes me sad, but at the same time i'm extremely anxiously excited to see what waits for me at the campus.

here's a revision of the what is now known as the "hands" part of thank you (see august 12). it's expanded. it's become its own thing. i hope you guys like it -- i had one of the toughest times writing this. all parties involved in this, you know who you are. just read it.

the eye of the apple

one day, spring ended and ushered in
the glory of summer.
the fields were green
the hills were rolling
the sun was beaming
and the children were laughing.
in one of the orchards stood a lone
apple tree --
in the middle of the orchard
there were no other trees.
but the apple tree
bore the most fruit
the sweetest fruit in all the land.

one of the apples decided to
explore the world around her.
she made a leap of faith
onto one of the children passing by.

the apple fell from the tree
and could not decide in which hand she would go.
"the one on the right listens to me,
but my eye falls for the one on the left," she thought.
the child caught her in both.

of one person, two hands
but only one apple.
the left hand told the right hand to go back
into the pocket
as he told the right about
everything he felt about the apple.
the apple waited slowly as it ripened beautifully.
the right hand experienced ecstasy
and god forbid, love
when he held the apple but for mere moments.
the left hand wonders about the what-ifs and
the maybes and the would-haves.
that's all he can do now as he holds the apple.

the left despises himself for what he did.
the right was afraid to have fallen in love.
the apple is left untasted and waiting.
she waits and waits and waits
and waits some more.

they all want answers.
the answers are gone.


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