
for today, here's a flashback to the 2001-2002 publication of the canyon high school literary society magazine, reflections of a butterfly. in response to a question posed in english class about hamlet and self-reflection, it alludes heavily to 2001 pop culture. a special shout-out goes to melody ma, clara yoon, jenny lam, and the entire literary society for contributing and making come true the magazine for last year. it would not have been possible without them. enjoy the links embedded in the poem itself.

what i believe

first and foremost i believe in myself
for without this belief i would not be.

i believe i can be what i want me to be,
a teacher, a student, a leader, a musician, a poet, a writer.

i believe in respecting others, be it their
beliefs or faiths or opinions or selves.

i believe in pop culture and culture itself.

i believe in the power of cheese,
that pork is the other white meat,
that Britney did it again,
that reading is fundamental, and
that Derek Zoolander can too turn left.

i believe in secrets and lies and fairy tales and the
misadventures of Harry Potter.

i believe in what people want me to believe.

i believe in truth, beauty, freedom, and
above all things,

i believe in love and friendship and unity
and peace and brotherhood and happiness
and humanity because without these things life
is not worth living.

i believe in dark denim jeans,
in white short-sleeved cotton oxford shirts,
in plastic thin-framed glasses with ultraviolet protection,
in ankle-length athletic socks, and
in the fact that i will do my laundry once i can't wear these clothes anymore.

i believe in the power of human nature and curiosity.

i believe in many things, like rainbows and
great works of literature and Einstein's theory of relativity.

i believe in the world.


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