
more haiku to relieve my stress. note: i wrote all of these in a short three days and there's a total of about 200 of them sitting in my notebook. eventually i'll post them all, but as of right now, i'm moving on to bigger things. send me an email if you like what you see or request for a certain haiku number. hehehe. they'll all be up sooner or later.

haiku #21

there are no more clouds
the sky is clear and bright blue
summer is waiting

haiku #36

flowers are blooming
bees are buzzing, birds chirping
it's early morning

haiku #42

i laugh and listen
the wind gently blows above
the trees laugh with me

haiku #43

a bird flies away
it left its food on the ground
it's not coming back

haiku #55

red leaves are falling
bare skeletons are left now
it's colder at night


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