
i have no more roommates. it is a weird feeling to be experiencing, but, unlike the previous sentiments of my roommates being here and having no one to talk to, my roommates are all absent, yet i have no feelings of loneliness nor melancholy. not even a trace of depression nor, dare i say, of missing them. i'm just taking it easy, but with me, taking it easy would seem to equate with trying to be apathetic to the general cause(s) while i find some thing that will stimulate, hopfully, both the mind and the body.

i am bored out of my mind and into the frying pan only to come back out of the fire and proceed to enjoy the second- and third-degree burns that i will experience as a result from jumping out of the pan that was graciously greased up with extra virgin olive oil and sauteeing with two large chunks of boredom. you see how bored i am? this much. this much.

if you haven't visited my other site, please do so -- it's got a blog of its own, ooh -- and i'd appreciate some feedback on site design and content. what else do you think i can add to it?

and to quote my other blog, for i hate repeating myself (yet am about to do so right now), so here goes, and good night:

i've had just three things running through my mind these past two days. one of them is a song i can't get out of my head; the other two, i'd like to keep to myself for now. this boredom sure isn't helping me get rid of them nagging in my brain to do something about them, but at least now i've got cake's "the distance" groove out of my head. for the night.

today, my friends, is memorial day. hearkenings of sales in major department stores and visions of family picnics and flag-waving ceremonies abound. as for me, the past five have just been like any other day (no school, thank god), and those before did not even exist. today, i plan on being absolutely counter-productive like i have been every other memorial day. maybe i'll walk on memorial glade to say i did something, but besides that, i'm just left to ponder those two other things again. and again. and again.

remind me to have fun this summer, even though i'm taking eight units of math and looking for a job. i'll appreciate the diversion, and i'll love you even more.

those two things will nag the hell out of me until i either do something about them or forget about them in the presence of others. hmmm. hard to say which is going to come first in a room all to myself.

think, miguel, think...

when will i see you again?


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