mix it up
friday evening was one of my favorite worknights since it was so beautifully laid back. no drama, no hassle, just work. and that's how it should be.-----
saturday morning was the AiR alumni mixer, and the best part was running around and meeting people from all over the place and hearing their stories. not to mention around thirty people singing the same song was an amazing thing; sylvia's "ears are hurting like crazy!"
moral of the story: friends are amazing people. grow old with them.
saturday night was the charter gala for the university. if you ever have the chance to go, go. it's worth the trouble.
the food was great, the entertainment was off the hook, and being there was an experience all in itself that never ceased to amaze me. (the booze alone was amazing enough.)
sunday was the day we spent in the city, singing in the rain at ghirardelli square, trying to earn money as we tried to avoid getting wet.
singing in the rain is something everyone should experience.
sooner or later? i think it should be rephrased as "sooner or even sooner?"
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