

56-17 on saturday against the huskies at seattle.

can we say most points scored ever by an opponent at husky stadium?

can we say, 'go motherfucking bears we're 2-0'?



for the first time in years it felt good to be out there singing again. i did my first-ever sproul today, met with a spectacularly large audience (especially for AiR!) and a great crowd response. familiar faces and big smiles helped out a lot, and i thank everyone who was able to make it. not like there's not going to be any more, so really al i'm saying is grab a bite to eat and watch us sing on sproul. it'll be a nice change of pace in lieu of class.

from everyone's comments we sounded awesome for a first sproul. i can't wait to see and hear what this group can do with time.


my favoritest boss at work turned in her resignation, and her last day is thursday.

the last staff meeting on friday made me fight back tears and when she was reading the card i read to her i could see her getting misty and i couldn't help but shed one tear.

i'm going to miss her so much. she's been an inspiration and a rock for us, and i don't know what i'm going to do with the other guy as our tour coordinator.

kick some ass, doctor pamelaia!


for about an hour last night i found myself in the nasty habit of checking email every five minutes then rotating to blog-checking every ten. cnn.com was open in another window and so really it was an hour of hitting the refresh button or links to people's blogs that haven't been updated -- some in days, the others, months.

i lead a very sad and not-so-fulfilling life on sunday evenings, save for singing rehearsals.


so much scandal going on with this hurricane katrina relief effort. chertoff's basically screwed if another disaster happens in-house (yay diverting troops to iraq!); fema's director brown resigned; and oh yeah, there's president douchebag too (anyone see the family guy movie yet? more on that later).

there's dead bodies everywhere in new orleans, and many pets dying because their owners were forced to leave them behind.

there are so many displaced people that it's going to take longer than a while when it comes to getting back to normal in new orleans.

and not just there -- there are so many other towns literally swept off the map because of the disaster, and there's barely anything they could do in order to go back to normalcy.


four years ago onsunday there was that thing that's called 9/11 and it happened while i was a senior in high school. it was tuesday morning. in lieu of learning spanish we were glued to the tv set and we got sent home.

four years after the fact, after just having been there, i lost three friends, nights of sleep, and a bit of my sanity.

but four years later, i find myself stronger, appreciative, and grateful.

to those who suffered and those who still do. your loss should not be in vain, and should not be for gain.

rip liam, robin, and meredith. i miss you all so much.


you have to make time. time doesn't make itself.


family guy movie very recently downloaded. it's cute, and it has some good laughs. some very predictable moments, but thre are a few zingers that will get you. and i mean that.

stewie griffin is the best character ever created.


so many puppies today!


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