anyone else think this guy is stupid?

"mr. bolton, could you please spell internacine? how about transnational? no? what do you mean those words don't exist in your vocabulary? you mean to tell me you derided the united nations publicly, yet you're named the u.s. ambassador to that fine organization?"
"bullshit. b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t. bullshit."
"sigh. we move on to george w. bush."
"mr. bush, your word is potato."
"could you use it in a sentence?"
"johnny and martha ate a potato after baking it."
"potato. could i have the word's origin?"
"spanish, by way of quechua and taino."
"potato. p-aaaaaaaaooooo... t... potato... a... t... o."
"that is--"
"e. p-o-t-a-t-o-e. potato. like uncle dan said."
"--incorrect, mr. president."
"i will launch a global struggle on violent extremism on you. jihadist. you probably endorse gay marriage which ruins the sanctity of that sacrament. and stem cell research. because god hates people like michael j. fox, ronald reagan, and pope john paul ii."
"i won't even go into that, mr. president."
every little ounce of energy that i had yesterday was spent moving. my entire body is sore, my legs and arms expecially, and all that's left to do is figure out the layout of the house so we can arrange our furniture.
come visit. our house needs some warming. email me for the address, or hell, call!
two movies i want to see: dukes of hazzard which is probably going to be not that good, but i really just want to see that part that they showed in the trailer where seann william scott goes, "let's put another shrimp on the barbie!"; and sky high, because it looks so bad. and you know me with my penchant for bad movies.
sigh. when the day's done i just keep on moving. literally.
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