
in the history of absurd thursdays, this has to top many, many thursdays.

morning with jon at starbucks is always fun -- despite the construction on center street, it's one of the most relaxing places to sit and one of the more interesting places to people-watch.

i headed to yet another superb lecture by professor roy, this time on squatting politics and homelessness in the debate over housing and claims to the city. (i swear, if i had taken cp 115 earlier in my college career, i would be trying my darndest to get in the college of environmental design to declare my urban studies major.)

and after that, after saying "fuck you" to my comparative historics section, kat, brian and i went to the berkeley art museum to view the byron kim exhibit (check it out if you can, but if you're not, here's the link) and to view a little bit of the new installations in the rotating turning corners galleries.

then there was rehearsal, and then there was free t-shirts at rehearsal. yay marketing.

then there was pizza, and then kat and i decided to ditch the movie because the asuc superb girls were being major nazi bitches with the ticketing, so we hung out outside of wheeler trying to figure out who was doing something on thursday night.

jdlp was having gay night, david was out with his dorm friends, alison and ling were in the movie. and then zack bruno happened upon us as he walked out of the berkeley college republicans meeting, and then the three of us were magically whisked away to westminster house.

upon arrival at the gates of college and bancroft, we were met with the workings of one dj michael levinson carving a pumpkin with the shocker on it.

eventually 9.20 rolled around and zack brought up the possibility of broomball.

flashback to that afternoon, when brian, on a whim, invited me and kat to a broomball game between hkn, the eecs (electrical engineering and computer science) honor society, and upe, the computer science honor society. i totally thought brian was just kidding, but when zack brought it up, my eyes went wide.

"you don't mean the one with the eecs geeks and the cs kids, do you?"

"mining circle. let's go."

and so kat, bruno, rohan, tor and i headed to the mining circle and departed for the oakland ice arena and played some hella broomball. and might i say, tor OWNED. (imagine this: forty-some asian kids. a handful (literally, sadly enough) of girls. knowing in the back of your head that their gpa's are so freaking high and that they probably don't watch tv. red and blue "broomsticks." two broomballs, duct-taped. lots of karate screaming. random music. ice. and best of all, no one knowing that you're not a cs major.)

it was pretty cool, too, seeing noaa there. at first she thought it wasn't me ("you're not eecs, are you?"), and then she tactfully asked for my name and then it was "oh my god yeah we totally had fun at chappy's party! i drove you home!"

after the broomballness brian's car headed over to nation's on san pablo and we proceeded to be fatties with out chili cheese fries and shakes. (they were out of tarts, but man, that cheesecake looked so good.)

as soon as i got home (mind you, this is around two in the morning) i worked on a problem set that was due this morning at ten, and as soon as i finished i crashed so soundly on my bed.

random thursdays are awesome.


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