
miguel's handy five orthographic / grammar tips of today:

1. spell: belligerent. b-e-l-l-i-g-e-r-e-n-t. rastafarian. r-a-s-t-a-f-a-r-i-a-n. nefarious. n-e-f-a-r-i-o-u-s. (it's not worth it to know words and then spell them like shit, because, well, that's just dumb.)

2. the creation "your'e" does not exist. "your" and "you're" do, however, and are homophones which mean two distinct things; the former as a possessive marker and the latter a contraction of "you are" indicating being.

3. please be consistent with your capitalization. (i just don't.)

4. "i.e." does not stand for "in example" -- instead, it stands for latin id est, meaning "that is." use "i.e." to stand in for where you would otherwise say "in other words." along the same vein, "e.g." (latin exempli gratia; "for the sake of example") should be used exclusively for instances.

5. there's such a thing as using too much punctuation?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!!!???!


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