tempus fugit
as always, way too fast.-----
outstanding moments in the year previous:
[-] realizing that i'd be living by myself again
[+] addiction to wine
[-] moving three times
[+] understanding the difference between 'people i know' and 'friends'
[-] realizing that there are far fewer under 'friends'
[+] go bears, 10-3
[+] big game five years running!
[-] burning out of cal band, air, and other collegiate activities
[+] work, with stable pay and good benefits
[-] work, with long hours and sleepless nights
[+] getting engaged
[-] being 3000 miles away
[+] grey's, family guy, lost, heroes, studio 60
[+] target
[-] oregon and the fallout
[+] kelly clarkson in gina's car and at shoreline
[o] not going home all that much
[+] being bicoastal and living in ca and ny
[+] polo shirts
[+] karaoke
[o] get out before i go crazy
[o] thank my parents more often
[o] eat healthier
[o] get a dog
[o] learn a new language
party over, oops. out of time.
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