
considering there's no discussion sections this week, i'm pretty very happy with my schedule. hopefully, everything works itself out and i don't have to end up searching for another class because of the waitlisting phenomenon (goddamn you city planning 114!) and that i'll be out of here on time.


linguistics 115
morphology and phonology

this woman is a neurotic basketcase, it's hilarious. she's up in front of class, sipping on her mug of coffee, being more idiosyncratic than george costanza on seinfeld. it seems to be a pretty interesting class, focusing apparently more on the difference between derivational morphology and inflectional morphology. then again, if you're not a linguistics major, you probably don't care.

linguistics 120
syntax and semantics

she's from denmark. she has a great accent. and already, the overview (for me, at least) is fascinating. sentence structure and semantic well-formedness form the basis of the course, which in itself is already more interesting than either linguistics class i took last semester. and i promise, i'll do better this time. i actually care.

city and regional planning 114
urban and regional transportation planning

the professor reminds me of generic-white-person-friend's mom. she talks like that, and she writes like she's writing a recipe for a home economics class. in fact, it's like she's teaching home ec, except that the material has to deal with transportation.

city and regional planning 110
introduction to city planning

he reminds me of roger ebert -- he's kinda shaped like him, only a little flatter; and he speaks the same too. i kind of wanted him to review a movie when we were talking about the housing problem in california today, but that would have been a little rude. with what he's shown us so far, this is going to be one of my most intense yet likable classes.

environmental design 169b
american cultural landscapes, 1860-present

you know a class is good when the professor shows you pictures of the four gsis when they were kids to introduce them to the class. he's a very arm-movement-intensive kind of person, probable indicating that he's restless. i can't wait for these field trips. and the material, despite sounding a little dry (read: architecture history), will balance itslf out enough later in the semester.

nineteen units of fun, and i'm so excited.


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