and so it begins, the madness that doesn't stop.
i've been so tired recently, and it's all entirely due to my stretching myself out so thin to cover everything i'm involved with. the band's going nuts (it's like taking band midterms!), both the mags are in full swing with their last issues of the semester, work is starting to pile up, and i'm missing class like here and there and a little bit more here than there.
yesterday, momo's. lots of free food, lots of free beer. today, so much class, and then, big freeze.
i saw us lose big freeze. and we never lose big freeze.
after big freeze, we're guarding (in the midst of that right now), which means staying up until forever because we can on campus property. after that, there's some day buses we go to, and then a rehearsal, and then full band performances throughout the bay area leading up to 6 am on saturday for the game. after the game, i'm headed to a party at the cronk's (the former owners of dreyer's ice cream), and then the very next day i have to work. the very next day, there's a project i work on. and the day after that, there's a research paper i have to turn in.
if you don't hear from me for a while, don't worry. i'll be back, i just don't know quite when.
maybe it's a different feeling since to me, it doesn't even feel like big game week (i'm so fucking jaded it's scaring me). it hasn't really hit me yet, but honestly, i don't think i would want it to. if and when it does, i'll implode.
that said, the implosion would probably look very pretty.
pretty disgusting.
you feel so small sometimes
- 21.08.84
- manila | anaheim | berkeley | new york
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