the scene: half-past midnight, sunday evening, gardner main stacks, the midst of finals week. every study carrel is crammed, every available study space is occupied. it is eerily quiet.
all of a sudden, the fire alarm at the south side of the stacks goes off. everyone's somewhat flustered -- the ringing resonates through the whole stacks -- and momentarily, studying stops.
people resume studying when the security officer turns the fire alarm off, but the surprises have only started. a few seconds later, a sound resembling the wildebeest scene from the lion king is heard from the other side of the stacks, and then, as naked as the wildebeest in the movie, streakers.
butt-ugly streakers, both literally and figuratively.
now i'm not one to usually complain about nakedness, but when you're going to run through the main stacks during finals week, you better be fucking hot or i will consider you a waste of time.
they weren't hot. but it was kinda cool hearing the laughter of a lot of berkeley students echo through the stacks and the open spaces, something other than studying and worrying over finals that they could share.
thanks, by the way, for all your support.
good luck with finals.
you feel so small sometimes
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