
no more upset stomachs, no sirree!

mondays are gradually getting easier and easier to handle. then again, i just need to show up to class, and then everything is somewhat right with the world. (i don't know what it is about monday classes, but they just seem to be more lax than other in-week classes.)

i actually got to see the "visit benicia" billboard i've heard so many things about. case in point: a billboard, with a giant seagull and a gazebo in the background over rolling plains, with giant lettering saying "visit benicia." my question, first of all, is why a seagull? and secondly, why try to advertise the tourism industry for a town that has absolutely nothing going for it in terms of tourism? just leave it to americans to try and capitalize on everything.

now back to that high school thing i was talking about. i've recently had an upsurge to go search for these now-lost kin of mine (okay, so not exactly kin, but you know what i mean). high school friends seem to be more elusive than the flying purple midget orangutan.

then again, though, i don't feel too bad about not hearing from them because, hell, it's why i went to college -- to escape that whole clique-y-ness of it all, to finally grow up and grow some balls and find myself new people to acquaint with. and, i figure, it's only been two years. that's nothing. in eight more i'll be hearing from the motherfucking reunion committee, and i'm sure i'll be tossing away the invitation as soon as i get it in the mail.

it's only monday. but it's been good so far. hopefully the week follows the trend.

ack! i'm out of cigarrettes!


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