quick little update:
say goodbye to the tag-board, since the new look for the site (coming very, very soon) is going to be almost minimalistic.
go bears.
you feel so small sometimes
- 21.08.84
- manila | anaheim | berkeley | new york
- facebook
- busy weekend to come. holy jebus. starting tomorr...
- even though i hung out with good people today, and...
- the echoes and murmurs of "i really should be doin...
- fucking power outage last night. i couldn't do any...
- i feel like a very boring person. a very boring, b...
- what makes for an interesting schedule is interest...
- the first day of classes of the new semester was p...
- oh man, oh man, oh man. the ski trip was an aweso...
- hello there, everyone. i'll be out of berkeley fo...
- familiarity breeds contempt, they say. but appar...
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