going to anaheim for two weeks. i said to people that i'd be back on either the nineteenth or twentieth, but it'll probably be earlier than that. i don't think i'll be able to do much in socal, considering i still have a few kinks to work out with parents and friends and finances and such. it will be, at the very least, an interesting trip.
i'm leaving for oakland airport in about forty minutes. weird how i can veritably count the minutes per minute, just watching that second hand tick away my last few moments of living here in th and on northside. man, i'm going to miss this place. a lot.
in a few hours, i'll be in long beach airport (go jet blue!) to meet up with my mom, and then we'll head back to anaheim to enjoy some "family time" with more relatives i don't know. i'll be smiling for pictures and shaking hands and giving kisses, but at the end of it all, i still won't know who they are, nor remember their names. i'll just call them all 'tito' and 'tita,' it seems to work in any situation.
one of the very first things on the agenda: pick up my high school diploma (yes, i haven't taken care of that yet!); otherwise i will hurt myself. it's been forever since last year, if that makes any sense, and i know the campus administration won't be happy to see me this late picking up last year's diploma, considering how graduation for the high school class of two thousand three is in ten days.
expect yet another post later today. i have a feeling i'll be blogging much more often over the next two weeks.
i already miss all of you guys.
you feel so small sometimes
- 21.08.84
- manila | anaheim | berkeley | new york
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- i love this week. everything so far has gone so we...
- just a quick update: today is a very good day. in...
- i have no more roommates. it is a weird feeling to...
- i win. no more finals, just the rest of a week th...
- i just got back from engineering commencement, and...
- this is a post of... well, you figure it out. wha...
- so much for being hellish today. hellishly warm ou...
- final in t minus less than one hour. then, another...
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