
thanks to a preview screening of the league of extraordinary gentlemen and three hours of sleep, i was near delirium in my calculus class and hopped up on sugar in my discrete mathematics midterm. sugar and lack of sleep? sounds like a botched recipe for a girl, where you substituted lack of sleep for spice and math for everything nice. not so good.

the league, despite my low expectations for such a ridiculous movie premise, was actually a very enjoyable movie. it was very smart -- and the fictional character references from all those books i've read added on to the plot and the story as a whole. the whole movie can really be described as an english major's wet dream, because it had so many literary allusions, but the movie still felt as if it were straight out of the grpahic novel (ie, comic book) that it came from. and of course, you can't beat the fact that three of my favorite literary characters appeared in the league itself!

math midterm was a different story: this time, i was hoping that a league would take the test for me. insanity ensued when disjunction and conjunction and nonconstructive proofs and big-O notation happened; even more craziness presented itself when the cardinality of power sets and the complexity of algorithms started to jumble themselves up. blah blah blah, i finished the midterm, blah blah blah, the lecture finished twenty minutes early, blah blah blah, we got midterm answers afterwards, and i felt horrible about myself.

i feel horribly tired and weird. i don't know what i'm doing, nor what to think... this week has been surreal, what with my finishing one of the hardcopy journals i have and apocopating my calculus class this week. five weeks to go, and i'm already hurting. the weekend is going to be hilariously busy, and i'm afraid i won't have time for a break. sounds as if everyone could use that around here, though.

yeah, confirm that. we're all due for a break, but that's not going to come ssoon enough.


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